Are you worried about the frequent strikes disrupting your child’s education?
Do you struggle to afford the rising costs of quality education in Nigeria?
How prepared are you for the financial demands of your child’s schooling?

You will agree with me that ‘Education is a foundation for the development and progress of any nation’. However, the education system in Nigeria is facing significant challenges. The frequent strikes in higher institutions, coupled with the financial difficulties many parents face, have made it increasingly difficult for children to receive uninterrupted and quality education.

You will agree with the popular saying: “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”! In respect to this, many children’s academic future will be affected either positively or negatively by the plan their parents put in place now. The question is: What plans do you have in place towards your kid’s future?

The Nigerian education system is plagued by several issues such as:

Frequent Strikes

 Strikes by academic and non-academic staff disrupt the academic calendar, leading to prolonged educational timelines and uncertainty.

Financial Constraints

Many parents struggle to afford the rising costs of education, from primary levels up to higher institutions.

Quality of Education

The quality of education is often compromised due to inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, and a lack of teaching resources.

Given these challenges and more, parents need to explore alternative ways to ensure their children receive a stable and quality education. Do not take this for granted.

Investing in property is a time-tested strategy that offers numerous benefits. Here’s why it can be a viable solution for funding your kid’s education:

Real estate generally appreciates over time. For instance, purchasing a property worth ₦1.5 million today could potentially be worth five times that amount in five years. This appreciation can provide a substantial return on investment, which can be used to fund educational expenses of your children.

Unlike other investments that may be unstable, real estate tends to be more stable. This stability provides a sense of security for parents looking to save for the future educational expenses of their children

This is why Affable Homes Ltd. has come up with an amazing plan for your kids, we call it Kids Education Investment Plan (EIP):

It is a financial strategy designed to fund a child’s educational expenses, such as the tuition fees, books, and other related costs. These plans are typically structured to grow funds over time, providing a pool of money that can be accessed when the child reaches higher institution age or any other stage of their education.


How to Achieve This Plan!

STEP 1: Early School Age (Primary School)

Parents can purchase a property valued at the rate of N1.5m as an example, and allow it to appreciate in value. When the child is 5yrs old, parent can decide to sell this property and use the proceed to sponsor the child in their early age of education.

STEP 2 : Secondary School Age: (Estimated Appreciation Value = N25m and above)

At this stage, parents don’t need to worry about sponsoring the child’s education anymore. The property has appreciated in value, parent can decide to sell and use the procced to sponsor the child all through Secondary school.

STEP 3 : Higher Institution (Estimated Appreciation Value: N50m and above)

At this stage, parents will be joyful over the decision they took many years ago by investing in their children’s future. They can easily sell the land and sponsor the child or children to any Higher institution of their choice without been worried about financial capacity.

By investing in Kids Education Investment Plan, parents can lay a solid foundation for their child’s future, ensuring they have the financial resources needed to support their educational journey.

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